The About page displays product version information about CMon for logged in users.
Logged in users in a role with "View Settings" permission can also manually check for product updates on this page.
CMon can be configured to automatically check for product updates in the Update Settings page.
If an update is available, a notification is displayed on all pages, except the About page, for logged in users in a role with "View Settings" permission.
The product update notification contains a "More Information" button, which redirects them to the About page.
If a product update is available, the About page will display information about the new version:
The new version number.
The released date of the new version.
Links to "Download now" and "Learn more" if available.
The last time a check for updates was performed.
A "Remind me later" button which will snooze the product update notification for 24 hours.
The next time the product update notification will appear if the "Remind me later" button was clicked.
A "Skip this update" button which will dismiss/skip the product update notification, specifically for the new version.
If the "Skip this update" button was clicked and a version is available that's newer than the version that was previous skipped, then the product update notification will re-appear.
If no updates are available, the About page displays the message, "The latest version is already installed".
If there's more than one update available, the About page will only display the latest version.
If the "Skip this update" button was clicked, and then the "Remind me later" button is clicked, the product update notification will re-appear after 24 hours.
Permissions required
View Settings